
Monday, June 21, 2010

Week #14 - 'Summer Fun' WINNERS!

Wow ... I know I say this each week, but you are all exceeding my expections by leaps and bounds!  Another FABULOUS week in the Tea Room with 123 creative design submissions and 476 fantastic followers!!!  We {heart} all of our Tea Room participants and followers :)  How about when we hit 500, we'll do a special CONTEST?  Does that sound like fun??  I'll put my thinking cap on and come up with something that everyone will enjoy :)  We're almost there ... tell all your stampy friends about the Tea Room!  And ... for the 500th follower -- something a little special too!  Who will it be?  Maybe YOU!!!

Thanks, again, to those of you who have turned Word Verification off in your blog settings and left Comment Moderation on ... the DT thanks you so much for this time saving practice!!

Thanks, also, to everyone who is linking directly to your Shabby Tea Room submission and not your entire blog or multiple submissions under one post.  Another time saving measure for us here on the DT.  We want to leave you all some love, and these two simple steps really save us all a lot of time when visiting and commenting on your lovely work!!!

We loved having our Guest Designer, GERI FREEMAN, share her lovely beachy clipboard design with us this week ... just simply beautiful :)

Thanks to our sponsor, Deb's Simple Treasures Etsy Shop (that's me!) for donating 12 yards of scrumptious Shabby Vintage Seam Binding to our winner!  Yum!!

And drum roll please ... here are the designs that caught my eye this week for capturing the essence of the 'Summer Fun' challenge:




Tracy #120I was totally blown away by Tracy's stunning creation of a vintage hat on a hat stand!  Tracy shared with us that she created the templates for these two projects all by herself - amazing!!  I love the soft blues, pinks and creams she used in her design!  The hat pins and lovely flowers added just the right touch of magic and then to top it all off by setting this scrumptious hat on it's own little stand ... just STUNNING!  Thank you so much, Tracy, for sharing your fabulous talents with us all this week in the Tea Room :)

Congratulations to ALL!  Tea Time Terrific Top Three and Winner, please grab your badges from the sidebar that you can proudly display on your blogs!  Winner, please contact me via e-mail to claim your prize (you will have one week from today to claim).


  1. Congratulations to Tracy on an unbelievably creative and feminine creation! Sooooooo gorgeous!!!! Congratulations to the top 3 - well done!! And kudos to the honourable mentions! I'm so touched that you ladies came by my blog again - all that commenting must be SO much work for you - and THANK YOU for recognising me this week - it means so much to me! :0)

  2. I am so thrilled to have earned a Tea-riffic Top 3, and have installed it with pride in my left sidebar! Thank you SO MUCH, and see you on the links! ;-)


Thanks so much for joining us this week at The Shabby Tea Room ... we appreciate your support and participation and {heart} your comments!