
Monday, July 5, 2010

Week #16 - 'Popsicles and Pinwheels' WINNERS!

What a quick week last week was here in the Tea Room!  So many fabulous 'Popsicles and Pinwheels' projects submitted ... you made it very difficult to choose -- all the projects were wonderful!  We sincerly do appreciate all your creative efforts, inspiration and eye candy for us all to savor each week in the Tea Room :)  Weren't these bright and bold colors so much fun to create with?!?!

70 AMAZING submissions and 510 fabulous followers to date.  We're tickled {pink} that you all enjoy this shabby little bloggity site :)

I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable 4th of July for those that celebrate the holiday here in the US!  We had a beautiful weekend ... plenty of family time, boating out on the lake, BBQ's, visits with friends, fireworks displays (professional and at home) and lots of R & R.  Couldn't get much better than that!

Thank you to our WONDERFUL GUEST DESIGNER, DEBBIE OLSON, for sharing one of her lovely creations with us all this week in the Tea Room!

A special thanks to our SPONSOR, COSMO CRICKET, for partnering up with us periodically and sharing some of their fabulous products with our Tea Room followers - yum :)

A bit of housekeeping ... we will be leaving this Friday for our annual family trip to the beach and I am not sure what, if any, internet connections I will have available at the condo we are renting for the week.  If I do not get around to commening on your precious submissions from Friday through Tuesday, please forgive me.  I'll catch up with you when I return home!  Also, due to me being away from my computer from Friday through Tuesday, I cannot guarantee that the winners will be announced Monday morning as usual.  It might have to wait until Wednesday for me to return home and be back at my computer.  I will pre-post the #18 challenge for you all to get started with while I am away.  In the meantime, the other shabby girls will be holding down the fort!

Thanks for your patience with me while I sneak away for a well-deserved vacation with my family :)  We are very much looking forward to getting away from work and commitments to share some quality time with our boys before they both leave for college the middle of August!

Okay, now down to business!  Here are the designs that caught my eye for capturing the essence of the 'Popsicles and Pinwheels' challenge by creatively using hot pink, bright green and turquoise this week:


1.  Lindsay #26

2.  Onai Ja Agnieszka #33

3.  Beth C. #40

4.  Kirsty Vittetoe #41

5.  Moshie #55

6.  Claire Buswell #65


1.  Barb Schram #17

2.  Ira #37

3.  Lisa M. #52 (and Lisa's blog matched our challenge theme this week!)


Dana Gustafson #24Dana's precious little vintage apron design is simply adorable!  The attention to detail from the handmade scrumpled turquoise flower to the sweet details on the bottom of the skirt just wow-ed me!  All of the papers and embellisments coordinated so well together - how cute is that sentiment and the tiny little utensils!  Dana's project was simply {sweet}!  Thanks from all of us, Dana, for sharing your amazing talents in the Tea Room this week!

Congratulations to ALL!  Tea Time Terrific Top Three and Winner, please grab your badges from the sidebar that you can proudly display on your blogs.  Winner, please contact me via e-mail to claim your prize!


  1. Bit congrats to Dana and all this week's winners at the Tea Room!

  2. Thanks for the honorable mention and congrats to all the winners this week! Enjoy your holiday Debbie!

  3. Oh how nice you picked my card for your top 3 this week! Thank you and congrats to all other winners!!

  4. EEEEEEEK! Thanks STR girls! I am so excited to be your top pick this week. I so appreciate your kind compliments and am honored to be named among so many wonderful projects this week. Congrats to everyone and thank you to all the designers who keep us inspired here in the Tea Room.

  5. You know how to make a girl feel terrific! I'm so blessed to be amon the top three picks, and appreciate all the encouraging comments! CONGRATS to all, every creation is so inspiring! Have a wonderful vacation, Debbie!

  6. Yay for being top 3!!! :) Thank you so much!!


Thanks so much for joining us this week at The Shabby Tea Room ... we appreciate your support and participation and {heart} your comments!