
Saturday, March 19, 2011

And the Birthday Tea Party continues ...

Today I have the pleasure of welcoming back AUDREY PETITT to the Tea Room to help us all celebrate our 1st Birthday here!

Audrey is a Shabby Tea Room Design Team Alumni who spent six wonderful months treating us to her amazing creations.  She is a fabulously talented paper crafter, who I had the pleasure to meet in person over lunch about a year ago -- she lives 15 mintues from me!!  We shared a fun lunch with another GF from Webster's Pages at Panera Bread ... and talked about paper crafting the entire time - {swoon}!

Audrey did not disappoint with this fabulous, shabby and a bit vintage celebration card.  Thanks, girlie, for sharing a bit of your time and talents with us this week!!



  1. stunning card! and what fun to be able to get together!

  2. What a fun festive card, I love ALL the papers. Loved her blogspot too. Lots of fun adventures.

  3. Thank you so much for having me, Debbie! And happy, happy birthday to the Tea Room!

  4. This is such a lovely & shabby card! Love the colors and the sweet papers! Happy to see you "back" Audrey!

  5. WOW audrey! What an amazing card :-)

  6. Great card! I love tulle! It makes me almost as happy as polka-dots! Thanks for the inspiration!


Thanks so much for joining us this week at The Shabby Tea Room ... we appreciate your support and participation and {heart} your comments!